為甚麼? 如果有朋友的孩子有行為問題、脾氣問題、過動、有便祕/瀉肚子的、肚子脹風、有疹子的問題、黑眼圈、...媽媽都會讓朋友注意小朋友的飲食.病從口入啊!而你,就是最好的例子.
你,開始on-diet至今已經有兩年.兩年前的5月尾,搭上了GFCF diet這列車,兩個月後媽媽試著給你egg free, yeast free飲食.做了IgG test 後,更慘!!! citrus acid food free, seafoood free, soy free(其實你沒有soy intolerance,不過soy 也是滿有問題的食物-對你來說.除了對荷爾蒙有影響,也是以滿難消化的物質).
為甚麼GFCF diet?
source from:- ARI Publication 40 / April 2007
Summary for Biomedical Treatments for Autism, by James B. Adams, Ph.D.
[extract part. Gluten- Free, Casein-Free Diet (and often corn-free and soy-free)]
Human digestive systems have not evolved on a diet
containing high amounts of wheat and dairy products. Humans are the only
animal who drink milk as adults, and the only animal to drink the milk
of another animal. Cows milk is a perfect food for baby cows, but not
for humans, especially past age of nursing.
Over the last several hundred years, wheat has been bred
to greatly increase its gluten content, and a typical US diet contains
far higher amounts of wheat than humans were eating 1000-10,000 years
ago. Gluten (in wheat, rye, barley, and possibly oats) and casein (in
all dairy products) can cause two problems:
1. They are common food allergens (see previous section), especially in children and adults with autism.
2. Certain peptides from gluten and casein can bind to
opioid-receptors in the brain, and can have a potent effect on behavior
(like heroin or morphine), causing problems including sleepiness,
inattention/"zoning out", and aggressive and self-abusive behavior. Like
opioids, they can be highly addictive, and a lack of them can cause
severe behaviors.
These problems appear to be due to:
1) A failure of the digestive tract to fully digest the gluten and casein peptides into single amino acids
2) Inflammation of the gut, allowing the gluten and
casein peptides to enter the bloodstream and reach opioid receptors in
the brain.
Explanation of Treatment:• Total, 100% avoidance of all gluten products and all dairy products. Even small amounts, like a bite of a cookie, can cause allergic and/or opioid problems. Many foods have trace contamination with gluten, such as dusting French fries and raisins with wheat powder to keep them from sticking, so it can be very difficult to avoid all foods and contaminated foods.
• Digestive enzymes can also be helpful, especially if there is an accidental exposure, but they are probably not as helpful as a total avoidance of casein and gluten.
• Many children with autism also benefit by removing corn and/or soy products.
Benefits: Children who most crave dairy and/or wheat, and who eat a lot of it, are most likely to benefit. Casein-free diets usually produce benefits within a month, and sometimes within a week. Gluten free diets usually take 1-3 months to produce benefits. In some children there is a worsening of symptoms for a few days (similar to a drug withdrawal) followed by improvement.
媽媽的朋友也有問過媽媽,孩子做了IgG test,但是結果沒有gluten/casein intolerance.那麼還要on GFCF diet嗎?
James B.Adams文中有解答:
"... a negative allergy test does not mean that dairy and wheat are ok, as they can also cause problems due to opioid action. A trial of avoiding the foods is the best test. "
香蕉!!你,沒有banana intolerance,不過吃了會有反應.這就是一個例子.
你的IgG test,yeast's reaction 也是negative.不過,媽媽在沒做test之前就避開用yeast. Recurring/systematic yeast infection 真的是一個很難搞的問題.跟yeast抗戰,沒完沒了.後來,chelation使到yeast 這個問題更頭痛,媽媽只好開始了SCD.
Healthline.com:The Candida Diet
在真正開始SCD之前,媽媽已經有過掙扎.要開始Low-starch diet嗎?要試用SCD嗎?那時媽媽沒有勇氣,也沒有想過媽媽跟你真的走到這一步.去年我們開始了SCD,呵呵~將近一年囉!
很多人都問,"這麼多東西不能吃?", "什麼都不能吃???", "那吃什麼?"
每日三餐 ...都吃這些啊!
早餐飲品,不是加工的formula milk,是蔬果汁.然後早、午、晚餐喝湯吃菜吃肉,就那麼簡單.點心是各種水果,最近添了新的點心選擇,SCD friendly 的cake.
常常媽媽的朋友很疑惑的問媽媽,為甚麼那麼堅決於食物的"戰鬥".食物,不是都是可以吃的東西嗎?沒錯,食物本身沒罪,罪在人.人把好好的食物," 搞壞"了.基因改造啦,加工啦,添這加那,化學藥物汙染、重金屬汙染、海洋生物生活於汙染的海水被汙染、土地汙染啦,還有...好好的食物,都給人給弄壞 了.而,我們,我們的小孩,吃了這些"壞" 食物,人也"壞"了.
媽媽最後的話: 每個小孩都是特別的個體,不管是普通小孩或是特殊小孩,大家都有不同的狀況.『一樣米養百樣人』這句,大家都不陌生.一樣的食物不一定適合全部人,這就是 另個見解.我們除了對症下藥,也要對人調食,這是媽媽的心得.給同是為孩子努力學習的爸爸媽媽們,我們加油!
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