2012/07/26 14:11
昨天一早你還沒睡醒,媽媽爸爸手忙腳亂給你MB12 shot.呵呵~雖然前一晚媽媽很努力的做功課,看關於MB12 shot要注意事項.看了Dr.Kurt's video demo跟解釋,還參考其他的有關資料.媽媽也讀了TACA的文獻,關於MB12 treatment[extract fromTACA: http://www.tacanow.org/family-resources/methyl-b12-a-treatment-for-asd-with-methylation-issues/]
Side effects are not uncommon and of two types: tolerable (“nuisance” – ranging from mild to severe) vs. intolerable. It is extremely important to understand how to approach side effects when they occur in order to treat with the most effective dose of Methyl-B12 and obtain the maximum clinical benefits while waiting for the side effects to diminish or disappear over the next 2 to 6 months , or to know when treatment must be discontinued.
The most common side effects are increased activity levels with or without stimming, sleep disturbances, and increased mouthing of objects. Just as pain is a necessary accompaniment of a successful operation, so side effects may be necessary while “getting your child back.” The tricky part is to know when you are dealing with a tolerable though undesirable side effect or a side effect that is truly intolerable. One of my greatest surprises came when I first learned that my highest dropout rate occurred in children who were definitely responders, who had side effects, and whose dose we therefore lowered enough to take the side effects away; in contrast to children who were responders with side effects who continued their dose unchanged. It is now obvious to me that “enough time at the right dose” is necessary to reap the greatest rewards. Therefore, my current protocol determines whether a side effect is tolerable vs. intolerable. If tolerable, I continue the dose unchanged while the parents state, “We’re getting our child back and though we don’t like the side effects, we’re not about to quit!” However, if the side effect is truly intolerable, I will stop the shots until the side effect goes away and then try to restart the shots at a 10 to 15% dose. Unfortunately, most children with true intolerable side effects cannot handle even the smallest amount of Methyl-B12.
Hyperactivity and/or stimming: The most common side effect is an increase in hyperactivity and/or stimming. As a general rule when at home 90% of your time as a parent is spent making your child feel loved, wanted, and important to the family unit as you create the child’s “safe haven.” Only 10% of your time is spent educating and disciplining. At school the opposite occurs; 90% of the time is spent educating and disciplining whereas only 10% of the time is actively spent making the child feel loved and important to the class and society. Therefore, if a child can focus, learn and stay on task in the controlled school environment, but is hyper and stimmy at home, this is defined as a tolerable side effect. This is analogous to you going to work and putting on your best face , but when getting home just “letting loose” in your safe haven – sometimes how you let loose is desirable; sometimes it is not! So it is with your child. Because the most common initial positive effect seen in children taking Methyl-B12 is increased executive function, especially awareness, after the addition of Methyl-B12, many children are suddenly bombarded with a tremendous amount of new stimuli that now must be processed. These new stimuli must also be processed faster and within the same period of time that it used to take to process far less data prior to Methyl-B12. The cumulative result is sensory overload where the child just needs to “let it all out” once back in his or her safe haven. For them to stim in this type of circumstance is no different than what an adult does by squeezing a squishy ball or rubbing a smooth stone between his fingers to take away tension and relax. In contrast to this “tolerable” side effect, if a child cannot stay on task and learn at school or in other types of controlled environments, then the side effect is defined as intolerable. In my experience the tolerable side effect of hyperactivity and stimming usually diminishes significantly or resolves completely by the 6 th month as the body up-regulates and down-regulates the appropriate metabolic sequences and enzymatic processes.
Sleep disturbance: The good news is that more children begin sleeping better rather than sleeping worse. This is most likely due to the fact that Methyl-B12 improves the body’s supply of melatonin. However, for children that sleep more poorly the following discussion applies. The entire B12 family is something that has been given to the elderly, the tired, and the chronically fatigued for years “to wake them up.” As you know, children are already full of energy and awake more than we want them to be when we are already tired and exhausted. However, if a child is more active at night but does not “fall asleep in his soup” during the day, needs more naps, or is lethargic during the day, I define the side effect as tolerable. If however the child does sleep during the day, needs more naps, and is lethargic and all washed out, then I consider the side effect intolerable, stop the shots, and proceed in the same manner I described in the section about hyperactivity and stimming. In my experience, the tolerable side effect of sleep disturbance usually diminishes significantly or resolves completely by the 2nd to 6th month for the same reasons stated above.
Increased mouthing of objects: This is different than true PICA, which is putting anything and everything in the mouth, a phenomenon that only rarely occurs with Methyl-B12. However, what one does see frequently with methyl-B is younger children touching or playing with their mouths, lips, tongue, and starting to bite on their shirts or shirtsleeves. They may bite on furniture, sometimes to a marked degree. Older children who are verbal state that their tongue tickles or that their tongue is buzzing. What is happening is that the children are showing a “positive negative” because the nerves in their mouth are starting to come back alive, receive signals, and tingle – a healing process. It is important to remember that treatment with the B12 family has been used for years to heal diabetic peripheral neuropathy with its “stocking glove” distribution. The long nerves to the hands usually take 6 to 9 months before starting to come back while the even longer nerves to the legs typically take 9 to 15 months before they start to regenerate. It is at this point in time when patients first observe sensations returning to their hands or feet (a process medically called paresthesia or dysesthesia) . Their descriptions of what they are experiencing are similar to what children on the spectrum are observed to have or state they feel. Because the nerves to the mouth are the shortest peripheral nerves, this side effect can appear within weeks after initiating therapy, not months. As with diabetic peripheral neuropathy, this process indicates that there was a problem that has now entered the healing phase. In my experience, the tolerable side effect of mouthing objects usually diminishes significantly or resolves completely by the 2 nd to 4 th month but can occasionally last as long as 6 months.
It is important to understand how to interpret a “true negative” side effect from what I call a “positive negative” side effect. For example, all aggression, biting, hitting, kicking, and tantruming are not bad though it is always undesirable. The reason I say this goes back to one of the main benefits of Methyl-B12 therapy, increased awareness. Soon after initiating Methyl-B12 therapy, most children are suddenly more aware of their wants and needs. They are more aware of what they can and cannot do. They have lived in a state of social void for several years not being able to get what they needed, nor possibly even knowing what they needed. Now the world and all it has to offer is suddenly presented to them and they are overwhelmed, they cannot speak or make their wants and needs known , so therefore they act out inappropriately. The same line of reasoning applies when children may be found crying, moody, or sullen. Suddenly they are more aware of their social needs as well as their social inadequacies. Because methylation affects all parts of the brain including the hippocampus and limbic system, for the first time in their lives, or at least to a stronger degree than ever before, they not only feel their emotions but act appropriately upon them and cry. As a general rule, “positive negative” side effects also diminish or disappear within 2 to 6 months.
It is important for parents and clinicians to understand that the positive effects of Methyl-B12 are predictable, reproducible, consistent, and undeniably obvious within the first five weeks of therapy as long as no other biomedical variables are introduced or eliminated from a child’s program during this five-week period. To underscore the importance of this point I tell my patients that if they are giving their child heroin or cocaine they cannot stop and if they are not feeding their child they cannot start until after the five week Methyl-B12 Initiation Phase has been completed and evaluated with the Parent Designed Report Form. The Parent Designed Report Form is the most sensitive and specific tool available to determine whether or not a child is a Methyl-B12 responder. The accurate completion of this form is so important to the overall success of a child that I fondly call it my “Little Green Hairs – Red Freckles” form. The reason I call it this is because parents are only interested in “the biggies” – executive function, speech and language, socialization and emotion. Therefore, unless parents know “all the other little things” Methyl-B12 does as I illustrate from my silly analogy, “ Methyl-B12 makes little green hairs grow out of children’s ears and changes their brown freckles to red ones,” they will never report these findings, never know that their child is a responder, and will therefore stop the shots , never realizing for their child the benefits Methyl-B12 would have produced!
Methyl-B12 is a treatment, not a cure. However, many children using Methyl-B12 combined with other biomedical and non-biomedical therapies have lost their diagnosis! It is important that all parents and clinicians understand that the maximum results from Methyl-B12 therapy occur over years, not months, not weeks. Though the initial results will be obvious within the first five-week period of time, Methyl-B12’s power is in long-term use. I tell my parents that they are growing trees, not bamboo. Though there are occasional responders that lose their diagnosis within a year, the majority of children never lose their diagnosis. However, over time they make tremendous strides in that direction.
Clinicians need to teach parents that after the first three to four six-week evaluation cycles, the undeniable obvious changes directly attributable to Methyl-B12 will be lost in a child’s overall progress due to his or her combined therapies. It is at that time that the only way to compare the effects Methyl-B12 has is by comparing children in a classroom setting who are taking Methyl-B12 with children who are not taking Methyl-B12 , but who are doing everything else the same. My clinical observation has seen it numerous times where children prior to Methyl-B12 therapy were at the bottom of their classes but within one to two years climbed to the top of their classes or were moved to new more challenging classrooms. In fact , I have several children who are now in mainstream classrooms without a shadow or an aide and who cannot be differentiated from their classmates by anyone except a highly trained professional!
Methyl-B12, in the presence of methionine synthase, spins the methionine/ homocysteine biochemical pinwheel sending methyl groups and glutathione to the brain and body. I will not review the biochemistry at this time; if you are interested you can see it on my website. However, as parents and clinicians you are most interested in my clinical observations. It is important to understand that the effects of Methyl-B12 are due to what Methyl-B12 allows to happen in the brain and not because it “makes speech”, “makes awareness”, or “makes socialization”. If I put earmuffs and a blindfold on you and drop you by parachute deep into the heart of Africa, once you land and are found by the natives, you will not understand the language. If you continue to wear the earmuffs and blindfold, because you cannot lip-read or hear the language being spoken, you will remain in the dark. However, once your remove the earmuffs and blindfold, though you still do not know the language, you will now have the same advantage every other baby born into their society has. You will have the opportunity to begin to lip-read. You will have the opportunity to hear the language spoken. You will have the opportunity to first understand receptive language. And eventually your tribesmen will have the opportunity to hear you express yourself to them! Removing the earmuffs and blindfold did not increase your intelligence nor did it add any new brain cells. What it did was now allow your brain to begin to absorb information, store information, utilize information, process information, and respond appropriately to the situations at hand.
So it is with children taking Methyl-B12; they seem to blossom over time. Everything kicks in and starts working; therapists are amazed! IEP’s continually have to be updated and changed, sometimes at unbelievable speeds! Children surpass their teacher’s wildest expectations. What has happened is Methyl-B12 has taken off the earmuffs and blindfold that have been blocking the children’s brains from utilizing the neurons and brain cells that were already in place but that were just waiting for the right circumstances to occur. The addition of Methyl-B12 allows the conditions to be right! However, Methyl-B12 is not what does it, is not what makes the child learn, is not what brings the child back. Instead, it is ABA, OT, PT, speech therapy, and all the other forms of therapy that finalizes the deal and gives the child back to his parents and to the world. However, without Methyl-B12 leveling the playing field, children on the spectrum would never be able to realize the advantage that unaffected children enjoy in a learning environment! And so it is – Methyl-B12 the gloves , therapies the hands!
Methyl-B12 works for children of all ages. I have used it in children as young as 6 months of age and in children 18 years old. My success rate is the same: 90%+. However, different ages show different positive responses , which is a subject beyond the scope of this text.
The medical literature does not indicate that B12, more specifically Methyl-B12 , is toxic. Doses equal and higher than I use in my standard protocol of 64.5 mcg/kg/every 3 days (150 mcg/kg/week) have been used for years with patients with pernicious anemia, Lyme disease, and others.
Currently there is no test that can accurately predict clinically which children will and which children will not respond to Methyl-B12 shots. Curiously, 85% of children who respond to Methyl-B12 therapy are shown to have high-normal or high levels of Methyl-B12 in their blood. The explanation for this is thought to be due to the fact that B12’s oxidative state cannot be “recycled” once it delivers its initial methyl group to homocysteine. Therefore it just “sits there, all dressed up but no place to go,” unable to change from its “now used up” oxidative methyl-less state into its “recycled” oxidative state that is now able to re-capture a new methyl group to spin the pinwheel again. Only Methyl-B12 that gets into the cell does work. The B12 that is sitting outside the cell as described above is functionless but shows up on blood tests falsely indicating that the child has too much B12 and should therefore not be treated. This scenario is analogous to blood sugar being high in the blood but low in the cells where it is needed! Research is underway at this time to evaluate genomics and single neucleotide polymorphisms (“SNPs”) as ways to predict which children need Methyl-B12. However, though theoretically promising, at this time only the child’s own body – his or her true laboratory — is able to produce conclusive results whether the child is a Methyl-B12 responder or not
上周六爸爸才到藥房買那種insulin syringe.從SG回來將近一個月,也不知道忙些什麼的.
不過,這次媽媽跟爸爸說真的不拖了.已經開始了另一輪的chelation,也要開始著手做nerve repairing.修復神經應該可以幫你reconnected.
在爸爸去上班前,媽媽大略準備要用的東西.爸爸從Dr.Erwin開的MB12 vial抽出了劑量.爸爸說他來.(其實媽媽有跟爸爸討論說,讓媽媽給爸爸打針看看,做媽媽實習的對象.這樣媽媽就知道,什麼力道打針才不痛,爸爸不依.爸爸怕打針!)媽媽負責安撫你,在爸爸動手時,避免你也"動手".針筒很細,爸爸拿著針筒往你屁屁快速一插抽出.你應該感覺像被蟲子咬了,不疼吧!不過,你動手抓癢?
呼~總算完成第1次MB12 shot.
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