Friday, 20 September 2013

Behavioural intervention

2012/08/28 15:56

關於Applied Behaviour Analysis(ABA)

記得去年媽媽就有發表過類似的疑問.ABA-based intervention.

第1次見DR. E,他說ABA是滿有效的一個intervention.那時在看著有關treatment/intervention options幾乎各專業都是提起有關ABA,behavioural intervention對autistic kids 有幫助.可是,這邊廂問了有些"專業"治療師/老師,給我的答覆卻是否定.媽媽的疑惑一直沒解,詢問有關書籍,遲遲沒有得到回覆.

那麼就靠媽媽自己,google it這個搜尋器沒有肯定也沒有否定的提供參考.媽媽找到了這本書,讓tongtong阿姨給媽媽找這本書的副本.然後上個星期舅舅舅母從KL帶回來給媽媽.感恩!

今天媽媽就翻翻看這本書. .Chapter One:幾乎解開了媽媽對ABA的不認識、疑惑.


[extract from book]
"ABA involves the breakdown of all skills into small, discrete tasks, taught in a highly structured and hierarchical manner. Central to the successful application of this method is the art of differential reinforcement.That is, the therapist, parent, or caregiver learns how to systematically reward or reinforce desired behaviours, and ignore, redirect, or discourage inappropriate behaviours. Also central to the any well-run behavioural program is the therapist's close monitoring of what is working and what is not working."
"Perhaps a more direct way to express the effectiveness of behavioural intervention for autism is to say that it seems to help children learn how to learn."-Dr. Ivar Lovaas who first used this phrase. 作者認為這句最適合解釋ABA為何用.讚!
"... behavioural therapy has little to do with merely correcting behaviour. It entails a comprehensive program for teaching skills across all domains, from the linguistic, to the cognitive, to the social, to the mundane tasks of getting dressed, brushing one's teeth, and so on. Part of the misinformation that assaults parent consists of the confident assertion by educators, social workers, and others that behavioural therapy is for managing behaviour, while special education is for handling academics or language acquisition."

加上市場對ABA這類專業的需求,造就了許多高收費的ABA團隊,不然就是一些"識少少,扮代表的"為了賺錢挂著懂ABA給需要的孩子進行不知所謂 的行為治療,而罔顧我們這些做爸爸媽媽為了孩子付出的金錢、精神、時間.最後,孩子沒有進步可言,卻傷害了孩子的小小心靈,也添加父母的絕望.



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