Friday, 20 September 2013

那時候的die-off symptoms: Skin rashes

另一輪戰:Candida/Yeast die-off

2012/07/30 15:26

Skin rashes, 在這一年來對我們來說不是新鮮事.幾乎變成了"常事".😑
至於你的skin rashes.最嚴重的skin rashes是在去年用了antifungals & antibiotics後,疹子長滿幾乎全身.後來幾次陸陸續續還是會有,只是沒有那次那麼嚴重.


最近爸爸媽媽都標為"Die-off symptom".之前電郵給Dr.E,得到的回覆是'如果沒有伴隨眼睛或是嘴唇腫脹,可以排除是對supplements/medicine過敏.也是,因為幾天後這些疹子自己消失了.排便,就是主因.

這兩天你的skin rashes又來了,而且今天看到更多,比昨天前天嚴重了.唉~媽媽爸爸又頭痛了!

ctanlcs says (1:06 PM)
GSE, Candidase, increase Factor 6 during on days or for a few days after on days.
sl SEOW says (1:24 PM)
GSE? Candidase?
ctanlcs says (1:25 PM)
grapeseed extract,enzymedica Candidase
sl SEOW says (1:25 PM)
sl SEOW says (1:26 PM)
increase somemore will create more die-off problems, more rashes
the problem now is the candida overgrowth becoz the cystein, lipoic acid according to
william shawn's theory
ctanlcs says (1:27 PM)
then stop them
sl SEOW says (1:28 PM)
anyway to clear the yeast die-off symptoms this is the solution
sl SEOW says (1:29 PM)
stop them then what to do with chelation
sl SEOW says (1:31 PM)
ah b is not hyper(yeast overgrowth) but develop rashes ( yeast die-off)
sl SEOW says (1:32 PM)
yeast die-off bcoz the diet, enzyme, probiotics, and ...
sl SEOW says (1:36 PM)
ah b needs to pass bowel more time, to flush out the yeast die-off toxin
what else can do?
ctanlcs says (1:36 PM)
colon rx everyday
ctanlcs says (1:37 PM)
vitamin c 3 caps everyday
sl SEOW says (1:37 PM)
.. maybe try tht
sl SEOW says (1:38 PM)
if he can clear out the toxin, then the rashes problem should solve
sl SEOW says (1:39 PM)
since he does well with the diet, no hyper, not much yeast like behaviours, can assume the yeast is controllable?
ctanlcs says (1:41 PM)
only god knows
媽媽繼續掛在網上,找到了這個有關Candida Die-off,source from The Candida Diet.看到了這一段
"When yeast cells are rapidly killed, a die-off (or Herxheimer reaction) occurs and metabolic by-products are released into the body. The Candida yeast cells actually release 79 different toxins when they die, including ethanol and acetaldehyde."
那天在KL逛書局,看到一本書寫著"up to 56 pesticides found in apples"
"Acetaldehyde in particular has a whole host of detrimental effects on your health and wellbeing. It can impair your brain function and even kill brain cells. Your endocrine, immune and respiratory systems can all be affected, and it also damages the membranes of your red blood cells, reducing their ability to carry oxygen round the body. Again this directly affects your brain, so you can see how acetaldehyde is linked to Candida symptoms like brain fog and fatigue. These by-products also cause allergic reactions and inflammation that lead to an array of undesirable symptoms. "

Coping with Candida Die-Off

These symptoms normally clear up within a week or so, but could last a little longer. However, there are a few things you can do to slow down this reaction or expel the toxins faster.
  • Take a supplement like Candidate, Molybdenum or Milk Thistle to help your liver expel the toxins.
    Molybdenum in particular is very useful for those suffering from Die-Off. It converts the neurotoxin acetaldehyde into acetic acid, which is then expelled by your body or even converted into helpful digestive enzymes.
  • Cut back or temporarily discontinue antifungal supplements.
    Antifungals work by breaking down the walls of the Candida yeast cells, which then release the many toxins that the Candida has been producing. Reducing your antifungal dosage will cut down the amount of toxins being released into your bloodstream. When you feel better, you can start to increase it again.
  • Reduce your dosage of probiotics.
    A course of good probiotics will repopulate your gut, crowd out the Candida, restore your stomach acidity and boost your immune system. Probiotics are less likely than antifungals to cause Die-Off, but if you start to experience the symptoms you can temporarily reduce your dosage.
  • Increase water intake to flush out the toxins faster.
    If you want to feel better, all those byproducts that are released by the Candida yeast need to leave your body. You can give them a push by drinking more water.
  • Slow down and rest as much as possible.
    Stress can weaken your adrenals and reduce your body's ability to fight pathogens like a fungal infection. Relaxing and taking some personal time will help your immune system to do what it was designed to do.
  • Try some alternative detox methods like skin brushing, saunas or contrast showers.
    Most of these treatments are designed to increase your circulatory and lymphatic systems. They help you to expel the toxins that the dying Candida cells have released.
  • Take 1000 mg of Vitamin C twice daily.
    This multi-purpose vitamin boosts your adrenals and helps restore your immune system to health.

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