

2011/08/10 22:50


DAN!Alternative medicine

Dr. Woeller's official website - by Dr. Kurt Woelle
Biomedical Autism Intervention, Dr Kurt Woelle


HerbaZest® provides reliable and comprehensive information on medicinal herbs, their forms of action, and their nutritional profiles. (找尋藥草的圖片無意中發現這個非常好用,有關藥草的網頁)
Home Remedy Central 
Home Remedies and Natural Cures for Common Illness, by Home Remedies for you.com
Natural Remedies for Autism, by earth clinic
Nutritional and Herbal Medicines Guide, by Natural Healing Resource Center
Juicing for Asthma, Bronchitis, Colds, Coughs, Influenza, Pneumonia, Tonsillitis

Yeast Infection In Children, Toddlers & Babies, source from: yeastinfectionadvisor.com

關於飲食干預 (Dietary intervention):-

GlutenFreeDietFoods.com Gluten Free: Diet, Food and Recipes for Beginners
The Feingold Diet, by Devon Frye source from ADDditude
Healthy Eating Politics - Alternative Information About Diet and Health

高壓氧氣治療 Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy (HBOT)

Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy  source from: Medscape

遠紅外線治療 Far Infrared Sauna Therapy (FIS)

關於感覺統合(Sensory Integration):

Sensory problems, which can range from mild to severe. These problems involve either hypersensitivity or hyposensitivity to stimulation.
Sensory integration focuses primarily on three senses — vestibular (i.e., motion, balance), tactile (i.e., touch), and proprioception (e.g., joints, ligaments). Many techniques are used to stimulate these senses in order to normalize them.
Occupational Therapy can be beneficial for the sensory needs of these children, who often have hypo- and/or hyper-sensitivities to sound, sight, smell, touch, and taste. -[source from ARI]

Sensory Processing Disorder
Sensory Diet Activities
Sensory Integration: Home Schoolers’ Best Kept Secret! By Karla Akins, D. CH. Ed. NATHHAN National Challenged HOmeschoolers Associated Network.

關於職能治療 (Occupational Therapy)

Activity Ideas from OT plan

關於語言治療 (Speech Therapy)

Typical Speech and Language Development source from American Speech-Language-Hearing Association (ASHA)
The Prompt Institute
關於聽覺治療(Auditory Intervention)

The Listening Program, by Advanced Brain Technologies

關於視覺治療(Vision Therapy)

Children's vision from Children's vision information network

PECS/Visual Aids For Learning & Social Stories

PECS/Visual Aids For Learning, 我的部落格文章連結

Social Stories and Visuals, by Supporting Autism Spectrum
Social Narratives, by TASN
Behavior Stories, The Watson Institute

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