這幾天這幾個星期,你的hyperactive,repetitive & stimming behaviours, 讓爸爸媽媽很頭痛!
SCD Protocol, kids & scd:
SCD food list:
今天的晚餐,給你苦瓜雞湯,Green lettuce.
2012.06.16 Cabbage soup
2012.06.17 Lotus root soup
2012.06.18 Spinach soup
2012.06.19 Pumpkin soup
今晚,同樣的只給你喝苦瓜湯(原來SCD food list showed illegal)、吃清炒青菜和雞肉,你當然不開心,臉很臭.媽媽給你苦瓜湯跟青菜.後來,加了雞肉,你才吃完菜,勉強喝完湯.
From Elaine:"So often those first weeks are so very perplexing and worrisome. But when you think that you are giving the child what is probably the most nutritious diet in the world - the kind of food to which man's biological machinery is truly compatible with, and when you think that the entire world of trillions of microorganisms (bacteria and yeast) are undergoing dramatic transformations, hang in there, try not to worry (you are doing only good) and you will see the light at the end of the tunnel. "
Begin the diet:
Food preparation:
Legal/Illegal food list in SCD:
More reference for legal/illegal food list:
對,媽媽牽著你走的第2步, "Bye bye to ALL starches and complex sugars."
還是會戰戰兢兢的走..一年前走GFCF diet的感覺回來了,不過這次媽媽沒有慌得很.媽媽一直反覆看kids & scd資料,尤其是這一段:-
Transitioning a Child to the SCD
Broadly speaking, there are two ways to go about this: cold turkey or gradual. What you choose depends on your child and your circumstances. However, regardless of what you decide, here are some tips that can make the transition a smooth one.
What should I do if my child refuses to eat the foods on the intro diet?
In that case start with whatever foods the child will eat that are the easiest and most basic foods on the diet.
Summing up your options:
1. do the intro as is for 2-5 days. eating whatever the child will from the list of intro foods
2. start the intro and if you get half a day or only one day go with that.
3. skip the intro and start the diet with easy to digest foods that you know your child is more likely to consume.
Bottom line, the most important thing is to cut out the SCD illegal sugars and starches (etc.) this will ultimately starve out the harmful microbes.
Most children become more open to new foods after implementing SCD. You might then want to restart with the intro diet in order to get even better results with SCD. Warning: there is a subgroup of children who can only tolerate the most easy to digest foods during the first months of SCD. You might need to start out with the intro diet and the easiest to digest foods. Be very firm and stand your ground. Most kids will eat the foods if they are very hungry. Make sure that your child is getting enough fluids.
Are there negative symptoms at the beginning of the diet?
Yes, it is common to see some uncomfortable temporary symptoms in the beginning. This is usually due to toxins released by gut pathogens as they die off and leave the body. Some people also go through "withdrawals" when they stop eating the starchy carbs and sugars they had been used to eating.
There is a section about about these temporary initial symptoms at the end of this webpage. You should read more about the temporary initial symptoms and learn how you can lessen their effect.
If you think a particular food is possibly bothering your child, you can certainly remove it for a short while and see if things change. If the symptoms abate, you may have found the culprit. Re-introducing the food a little later is a way to verify this.
If your instincts tell you it's die-off... then ramp up epsom salts baths and/or the charcoal supplements and see if that helps.
During the detoxification period your child's body has to process the waste products of dying gut pathogens. Children will need plenty of fluids, rest, patience and support... just as when sick with the flu.
Parents frequently report that they are seeing some positive changes (in attention, behavior, etc.) at the same time, usually a clear sign that the other negative symptoms are due to die-off. If the die-off symptoms last longer than a month or are severe, please seek help from a SCD counselor.
Die-off symptoms and food sensitivities are two separate things... but it can be difficult to tell one from the other.
Try not to worry; you are making progress. Soon the symptoms of die-off will lessen or stop, and the picture will be a lot clearer.
You may be able to reintroduce some of the foods that you had pulled when mistakenly thinking they were not being tolerated .
還是要讀更多更多的相關資訊.媽媽還網購<Breaking the Vicious Cycle: Intestinal Health Through Diet>.這幾天媽媽就栽在SCD網站.謝謝KAREN阿姨,借給媽媽<GAPS> 這本書做參考.
source from:
SCD Protocol, kids & scd:
SCD food list:
今天的晚餐,給你苦瓜雞湯,Green lettuce.
2012.06.16 Cabbage soup
2012.06.17 Lotus root soup
2012.06.18 Spinach soup
2012.06.19 Pumpkin soup
SCD, 第1步
今晚,同樣的只給你喝苦瓜湯(原來SCD food list showed illegal)、吃清炒青菜和雞肉,你當然不開心,臉很臭.媽媽給你苦瓜湯跟青菜.後來,加了雞肉,你才吃完菜,勉強喝完湯.
From Elaine:"So often those first weeks are so very perplexing and worrisome. But when you think that you are giving the child what is probably the most nutritious diet in the world - the kind of food to which man's biological machinery is truly compatible with, and when you think that the entire world of trillions of microorganisms (bacteria and yeast) are undergoing dramatic transformations, hang in there, try not to worry (you are doing only good) and you will see the light at the end of the tunnel. "
Begin the diet:
Food preparation:
Legal/Illegal food list in SCD:
More reference for legal/illegal food list:
SCD,第2步 "Bye Bye to Rice, rice noodle, rice pasta, ..."
昨天一整天,你沒有米飯下肚.今天也不會有.對,媽媽牽著你走的第2步, "Bye bye to ALL starches and complex sugars."
還是會戰戰兢兢的走..一年前走GFCF diet的感覺回來了,不過這次媽媽沒有慌得很.媽媽一直反覆看kids & scd資料,尤其是這一段:-
Transitioning a Child to the SCD
Broadly speaking, there are two ways to go about this: cold turkey or gradual. What you choose depends on your child and your circumstances. However, regardless of what you decide, here are some tips that can make the transition a smooth one.
- Attitude is key. Kids pick up on our lack of confidence, our nervousness, our uncertainty. Before beginning the diet, take a moment to get excited about what you are about to do. Believe, without question, that it will reap all the great rewards you have been hearing about. Do not think about how you are "depriving" your child, instead become enthusiastic for how you will be giving your child the gift of health. Accept that it might be hard at first, that your child might resist, but that you will stand firm and confident that this is the right road for you to take.
- In most cases children adjust and accept the diet more easily if the whole house is SCD™ and there are no illegals to be had. In addition to eliminating the the risk of infraction, without any illegals available there is less chance that the child will go on a hunger strike hoping you will cave in.
- Don't be surprised and alarmed if behaviours and stools get worse before they get better. Usually this is die-off, an indication that the diet is helping your child. If the stools and behaviours continue beyond 10 days consider possibilities other than die-off such as too much fruit.
- Transitions and changes in routine are difficult for many ASD children. It could help to spend a few days (or a week, whatever is appropriate for your child) explaining the changes you will be making in their food choices beginning on a specified day. Again, convey a positive attitude about this. When that day comes, you should have the food selection look as enticing as possible.
- For some children, it could help to explain why you are doing SCD™. If he/she has overt diarhea, mushy stools, or constipation, a simple explanation could be that this diet helps people's bellies feel better, or makes their poops healthy. For those without overt digestive problems, an explanation could be that the SCD is a healthy diet that the family is going to follow.
- While many parents ultimately decide to keep their child on SCD™ indefinitely, some children, when starting the diet, feel better if they know that they won't be giving up their beloved foods forever. You could explain that you are going to try this diet for X amount of time (3 months, 3 years etc.) and then you'll decide about whether or not to continue. (At which point many kids feel better and won't mind staying on it.) One mother made a 100-year timeline, assuming a 100-year lifespan, and showed what 2 years looks like. Then she explained that if they followed the diet for that tiny period of time, her son would gradually be able to eat more and more different foods. If they didn't do the diet, he would likely remain intolerant to many foods and would spend the rest of his life having to go everywhere with special foods.
- Some parents have reported that, for hunger strikers, it helps to have as wide a variety of legal foods readily available. Eventually the child will choose something. The one thing to be careful of with this approach is that you don't keep offering your child a new food everytime he rejects something. This pattern might lead a child to believe that he can continue to hold out until you start offering illegals. It is best to, physically or verbally, lay out all their choices at one time.
- Those familiar with ABA techniques have reported using a social or toy-based rewards system for encouraging their child to eat legal foods.
- Those who have been previously using food-based rewards systems in ABA programs should phase those out prior to starting SCD™ in favor of non-food rewards.
- It is well-known that there are few pre-manufactured legal foods. Consult the Pecanbread list or the recipe section of this website to find a good substitute for any pre-manufactured foods that your child will be giving up. For example, legal sausage can often be made up by a butcher or by following the recipe in Lucy's Cookbook. However, some kids initially find these substituted foods to be unacceptable. Attempting the switch only makes them upset or angry at the diet. For these children, it is best, obviously, to find entirely new foods that they will like.
- From Elaine:
So often those first weeks are so very perplexing and worrisome. But when you think that you are giving the child what is probably the most nutritious diet in the world - the kind of food to which man's biological machinery is truly compatible with, and when you think that the entire world of trillions of microorganisms (bacteria and yeast) are undergoing dramatic transformations, hang in there, try not to worry (you are doing only good) and you will see the light at the end of the tunnel.
What should I do if my child refuses to eat the foods on the intro diet?
In that case start with whatever foods the child will eat that are the easiest and most basic foods on the diet.
Summing up your options:
1. do the intro as is for 2-5 days. eating whatever the child will from the list of intro foods
2. start the intro and if you get half a day or only one day go with that.
3. skip the intro and start the diet with easy to digest foods that you know your child is more likely to consume.
Bottom line, the most important thing is to cut out the SCD illegal sugars and starches (etc.) this will ultimately starve out the harmful microbes.
Most children become more open to new foods after implementing SCD. You might then want to restart with the intro diet in order to get even better results with SCD. Warning: there is a subgroup of children who can only tolerate the most easy to digest foods during the first months of SCD. You might need to start out with the intro diet and the easiest to digest foods. Be very firm and stand your ground. Most kids will eat the foods if they are very hungry. Make sure that your child is getting enough fluids.
Are there negative symptoms at the beginning of the diet?
Yes, it is common to see some uncomfortable temporary symptoms in the beginning. This is usually due to toxins released by gut pathogens as they die off and leave the body. Some people also go through "withdrawals" when they stop eating the starchy carbs and sugars they had been used to eating.
There is a section about about these temporary initial symptoms at the end of this webpage. You should read more about the temporary initial symptoms and learn how you can lessen their effect.
How can I tell tell the difference between die-off symptoms and an intolerance to a new food?
One indicator is the length of time the symptoms persist. Most die-off symptoms last less than three weeks. Some report that if a negative behavior is due to die-off, the behavior stops or improves about one to two hours after giving activated charcoal.If you think a particular food is possibly bothering your child, you can certainly remove it for a short while and see if things change. If the symptoms abate, you may have found the culprit. Re-introducing the food a little later is a way to verify this.
If your instincts tell you it's die-off... then ramp up epsom salts baths and/or the charcoal supplements and see if that helps.
During the detoxification period your child's body has to process the waste products of dying gut pathogens. Children will need plenty of fluids, rest, patience and support... just as when sick with the flu.
Parents frequently report that they are seeing some positive changes (in attention, behavior, etc.) at the same time, usually a clear sign that the other negative symptoms are due to die-off. If the die-off symptoms last longer than a month or are severe, please seek help from a SCD counselor.
Die-off symptoms and food sensitivities are two separate things... but it can be difficult to tell one from the other.
Try not to worry; you are making progress. Soon the symptoms of die-off will lessen or stop, and the picture will be a lot clearer.
You may be able to reintroduce some of the foods that you had pulled when mistakenly thinking they were not being tolerated .
還是要讀更多更多的相關資訊.媽媽還網購<Breaking the Vicious Cycle: Intestinal Health Through Diet>.這幾天媽媽就栽在SCD網站.謝謝KAREN阿姨,借給媽媽<GAPS> 這本書做參考.
source from:
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