Wednesday, 18 September 2013


Biomedical intervention...

2011/12/20 17:53

媽媽帶著你走Biomedical intervention這條路,走著走這也有好幾個月了.當初會選擇這樣一條路,因為媽媽茫然,失去方向,但還是要牽著你走,就試著走走看.
媽媽就是不甘心,就因為所謂的專業人士一句"ASD",什麼"genetic disorder"啦, "no cure" 之類的話讓媽媽撤手不幹嗎?不理你,放棄你,就跟著傳統治療走...然後這樣就一世?!!不可能.所以媽媽曾經很"努力",很"積極",很"強迫"地做了 很多事,給你做很多的傳統治療,給你地獄式訓練,因為媽媽很急也很壓力.但,急著趕路,會累.媽媽發現媽媽有太多的包袱,也給你添負擔了--捨棄.
從知道Diet control有助於你.媽媽決定從你的飲食方面著手--GFCF (Gluten free Casein free) Diet.算是最基本入門的一門功課.(只是在飲食上做改變,也沒有影響營養攝取之下進行) 全面撇了牛奶,奶製品,還有麥類的食品.看到你的改變.是的,最重要是有eye-contact了, 沒有之前"超HIGH"(hyperactive: non-stop jumping, laughing, and head-shaking).還有便秘的問題有改善了.所以媽媽就更深入的探討這一門功課.
過敏!其實媽媽在給你從母乳轉換配方奶粉時就帶點懷疑(媽媽本身就是對牛奶過敏.)因為你對奶粉的不適應(肚子脹風,肚瀉,要不然就便祕,..皮膚 疹子的問題)可是,請教過兒科醫生,政府診所的護士,阿公阿嬤等.大家說沒事的,小孩子都會肚子脹風,給肥仔水擦風油啦!最後,媽媽自行調奶粉,給你少奶 粉添麥粉,還有所謂的米糊,稍微適應了.但媽媽沒想到麥...(gluten, NesXXX rice cereal contains gluten too)要命!
[ It is generally accepted that children are more likely to develop allergies if someone in their family has them. Indeed, if one parent has a history of allergies, 30% of his or her offspring may develop allergies; if both parents have allergies, the incidence increases to approximately 75%. In Dr. Layton's experience, this estimate is not only accurate, but frequently both the parent and child will have similar types of allergies. -source: Allergy Connection
後來媽媽研讀一些些文章有關Biomedical treatment,對於有點特別的你好像有幫助.開始了補充維他命礦物質.媽媽從給你添更多的蔬果,撇掉有添加劑的食品開始做起,不是很難.其實一向來 給你煮食媽媽也沒加糖也沒加鹽,只有給你吃過外面麵包,餅乾,市場上賣的米糊麥片早餐飲谷糧.媽媽對你的食物把關算是滿嚴格的.不吃麵包, 不喝牛奶還難 不倒媽媽,不過媽媽就要辛苦些,早起床給你弄早餐,晚睡爭取時間看更多的有關資料,避開有gluten 和casein 的食物飲料.
撇了gluten, casein還有什麼的?媽媽跟爸爸商量我們總不能在猜測中...覺得...而決定你對gluten and casein過敏.還有因為過動問題沒解決,會不會有其他的食物過敏問題.要數據!當然,讀了好些資料都說起因(阿妮說的,root causes)絕不是只有一種這麼簡單.如果是, 就好辦了.,看了有關biomedical的資料,維他命礦物質對語言有幫助,也可以改善行為問題.但,爸爸媽媽不是專業,也不專研.還是要找一個有這方面知識(Biomedical)的醫生--so called DAN! (Defeat Autism Now!)doctor.我們算是開始走這條DAN-Biomed的路,也開始了沒3個月的SG之旅,也做了一系列的test: 有了Food intolerence list,知道有vitamin & mineral deficiencies, gut problems, bacteria and yeast problem,...

[ As long as I have been involved in dealing with Autism, there has been a great deal of disagreement with the mainstream world of medicine consisting of pediatricians, developmental pediatricians, neurologists, child psychiatrists and physicians representing NIH, CDC and the American Academy of Pediatrics. This "conventional" group believes that all children with Autism have a genetic disorder. Most of the research money being utilized currently is aimed at finding a genetic cause for Autism. The conventional group believes that the primary reason for the staggering increase in the rate of Autism is that "we are better at making the diagnosis." 

In contrast, believers in a biomedical basis for Autism include a number of physicians who have a child with Autism, parents of autistic children, as well as speech and occupational therapists who are exposed to autistic children on a regular basis. This group believes that most children with Autism have had an autoimmune insult, which may include number of immunizations given the first two years of life, ingestion of casein (milk, yogurt, cheese, ice cream) and/or gluten (wheat, oat, barley, rye and spelt), increased antibiotic use (especially the first two years of life), viral infections, and an inability to detoxify environmental pollutants. Autistic children may be genetically "vulnerable," but do not necessarily have a genetic defect. This would explain why most developmentally normal children can be immunized, eat casein and gluten and have antibiotic after antibiotic and do fine.
It is my opinion that Autism is truly a "mixed bag." There is a certain percentage, let's say 50% who eventually will be found to have a genetic marker. However, to account for the staggering increased rate of Autism over the past 20 years, I would agree with the biomedical theorists that many children are genetically at risk and are affected by various environmental insults. For this growing number of children, biomedical interventions should be strongly considered. - extract from Autism spectrum disorder-diagnosis by Allergy Connection, The office of Doctor Richard E Layton]

在尋求治療的路上,爸爸媽媽就是要秉著要把你""治好""養好"為目標.當然也不吝嗇分享.爸爸媽媽也是在分享其他的爸爸媽媽的成果中學習,得到.媽媽也不忘分享給身便需要的朋友.[Give and take]

當然也提醒決定走Biomed的夥伴,可不要盲從.最重要是我們要認識我們自己的孩子要了解,知道.明白他(需要/缺少什麼).每一個孩子都是獨特 的(unique).特別的孩子也是.我們的孩子也是.不是每個爸爸媽媽都要帶著自己的孩子跟著走前面人走的路.我們可以參考,但不一定要跟--不可能跟 著別人回家吧!

今天才讀到下載在laptop 的一篇文章,摘了幾段:-
biomedical intervention
...By Stacy Hultgren The cause of autism has been a hotly debated subject for years, and seems to be growing in intensity as supporters of different theories square off against one another. A great deal of research has been done on a number of medical and pharmaceutical interventions, on various possible environmental origins, and on genetic contributors. Be that as it may, we still do not have any concrete answers. What many professionals believe however, is that there are a number of causes, and there even may be different ‘types’ of autism. For example, many children display abnormal development from birth, and others at least seem to develop normally and then experience a regression of skills. In some families, other members are affected in similar ways, yet other families show no evidence of genetic factors. Some individuals are affected more seriously than others; indeed there is a vast spectrum of symptoms and ways to express those symptoms (i.e. anxiety can be conveyed through quiet withdrawal or by angry outbursts). Hence the question - are they all the same, or are they different?
As a result of what we do not know about autism, families are often torn between trying new and experimental interventions, and listening to more conservative advice. This is after all, their child, and the feeling that they need to ‘do all they can’ can motivate experimentation, for what parent among us wouldn’t throw ourselves into a fire to help our child? It is important however, for parents to keep some perspective on what they are being told and what they are willing to risk in trying some of the more controversial treatments out there (sheep brain injections come to mind….). Whatever treatment you may consider, please get information, do some detective work, and when (and only when!) something is shown at least to be safe,use a systematic approach to introducing it. Many times, families in their zeal will make the mistake of trying several different interventions at the same time, for instance starting a new behavioral program at school at the same time as starting the gluten and casein-free diet and a vitamin supplement regimen. The caution is simply this: if your child should show some improvement, how will you know which one was the reason? And how will you know which you can eliminate? And how will you know whether or not all three each help, and to what varying degrees?
Please be aware that biomedical interventions of any kind have not been proven by researchers to be helpful, although a few have been supported by some (but not all) families that have tried them, the gluten and casein-free diet is a good example.

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