備戰: Supplements大作戰 (Round II)
昨天從SG回來,又帶回來了一大袋supplements.第一回合的supplements、Antibiotic & anti-fungal大作戰,根據大家的評論,醫生和治療師都有好的評語.這回又要挑戰媽媽的時間管理和分配能力,以前用的還有現在醫生剛開的supplements有十多種類.醫生說,懷疑你的yeast-overgrowth問題又回來了,這次會用天然療法,不用藥,殺菌.
2012.02.28 culturelle probiotic最後一次用完.
2012.02.29 Ther-biotic, interfase, CoQ10, cod liver oil, pedia nutrients, vitamin C, B6 complex+MG, Digest spectrum.
早上你起床即給ther-biotic (2 cap), interfase.趕著去機場,在機場給你些cereal後給你coQ10,給你吃過早餐再給你cod liver oil, 陸陸續續給你pedia nutrients, vitamin C, B6 complex+MG( 各半顆).晚餐前deigest spectrum.晚餐後過些時候才給你B6 complex+MG(另半顆).
2012.03.01 Aloe capsule added
早上起床給你ther-biotic, interfase.早餐後pedia nutrients, vitamin C (1cap), aloe capsule, CoQ10, cod liver oil, B6 complex+MG(各半顆).午飯前digest spectrum,晚餐前digest spectrum,晚餐後pedia nutrients,B6 complex+MG.
2012.03.02 Spectra fibre added.
早上起床給你ther-biotic, interfase. 早餐後pedia nutrients, vitamin C, aloe, CoQ10, cod liver oil, B6 complex +MG (各半顆). 午飯前digest spectrum, 晚餐前digest spectrum,晚飯後pedia nutrients, B6 complex+MG(另半顆), spectra fibre(2 caps).
2012.03.03早上起床給你ther-biotic, interfase. 早餐後pedia nutrients, vitamin C, aloe, CoQ10, cod liver oil. 午餐前digest spectrum,午餐後vitamin C, B6 complex+MG(各半顆). 晚餐前digest spectrum,晚飯後pedia nutrients, B6 complex+MG(另半顆), spectra fibre.
2012.03.04 Caprylic acid, Saccharomyces boulardii added
早上起床給你ther-biotic, interfase. 早餐後pedia nutrients, vitamin C, aloe, CoQ10, cod liver oil, B6 complex +MG (各半顆).午飯前digest spectrum.傍晚時分,Caprylic acid (1 cap, 30mins before each meal). 晚餐前digest spectrum,晚飯後pedia nutrients, B6 complex+MG(另半顆), spectra fibre.臨睡前Saccharomyces boulardii(1 cap)
2012.03.05早上起床給你ther-biotic, interfase.早餐前30分鐘,caprylic acid.早餐後pedia nutrients, vitamin C, CoQ10, cod liver oil.午飯前30分鐘,caprylic acid, 然後Digest spectrum,午飯後B6 complex +MG (各半顆).傍晚時分,Caprylic acid (1 cap, 30mins before each meal). 晚餐前digest spectrum,晚飯後pedia nutrients, B6 complex+MG(另半顆), spectra fibre.臨睡前Saccharomyces boulardii(1 cap).忘了給aloe capsule.
2012.03.09 Biotin added, culturelle probiotic.
2012.03.10 GPC liquid added.
2012.03.12 fish oil substitutes cod liver oil.
2012.03.14早上起床給你culturelle probiotic(1 cap),ther-biotic, interfase.早餐前30分鐘,caprylic acid.早餐後pedia nutrients, vitamin C, biotic, aloe, CoQ10, fish oil,GPC, B6 complex+MG(各半顆).午飯前30分鐘,caprylic acid, 然後Digest spectrum,午飯後biotin.午睡醒後,傍晚B6+MG(各半顆),Caprylic acid (1 cap, 30mins before each meal). 晚餐前digest spectrum,晚飯後pedia nutrients, spectra fibre(4 caps).臨睡前Saccharomyces boulardii.
2012.03.15早上起床給你culturelle probiotic(1 cap),ther-biotic, interfase.早餐前30分鐘,caprylic acid.早餐後pedia nutrients, vitamin C, biotic, aloe, CoQ10, fish oil,GPC, B6 complex+MG(各半顆).午飯前30分鐘,caprylic acid, 然後Digest spectrum,午飯後biotin.午睡醒後,傍晚B6+MG(各半顆),pedia nutrients, vitamin C(1 cap),Caprylic acid (1 cap, 30mins before each meal). 晚餐前digest spectrum.晚上spectra fibre(4 caps).臨睡前Saccharomyces boulardii.
**兩天沒有便便的問題又回來了.fibre 加兩顆,vitamin 加一顆.
Biotin, by Medline Plus
[extract]Biotin is an important component of enzymes in the body that break down certain substances like fats, carbohydrates, and others.
There isn’t a good laboratory test for detecting biotin deficiency, so this condition is usually identified by its symptoms, which include thinning of the hair (frequently with loss of hair color) and red scaly rash around the eyes, nose, and mouth. Nervous system symptoms include depression, exhaustion, hallucinations, and tingling of the arms and legs. There is some evidence that diabetes could result in biotin deficiency.
Are there interactions with foods?
Egg whites
Raw egg white contains a substance that binds biotin in the
intestine and keeps it from being absorbed. Eating 2 or more uncooked
egg whites daily for several months has caused biotin deficiency that is
serious enough to produce symptoms
Should You Take Biotin Supplements?
Although biotin deficiency is uncommon, it may occur in people who drink alcohol excessively or consume a great deal of raw egg white (which contains a protein that blocks the absorption of biotin). Genetic disorder of biotin deficiency, infant seborrheic dermatitis, and surgical removal of the stomach may also increase your need for biotin.
Symptoms of biotin deficiency include thinning of the hair, a red scaly rash (especially around the eyes, nose, and mouth), depression, exhaustion, hallucinations, and tingling of the arms and legs. Biotin deficiency may also lead to high cholesterol and heart problems.
To get your fill of biotin, make sure to include biotin-rich foods like brewer's yeast, nutritional yeast, liver, cauliflower, salmon, bananas, carrots, egg yolks, sardines, legumes, and mushrooms in your diet. If you're considering the use of biotin supplements for prevention or treatment of any health condition, talk to your doctor before starting your supplement regimen.
other reference:
Biotin: Benefits and information, from UltimateFatBurner.com
Caprylic Acid, by Health line[extract]Caprylic acid is an eight-carbon fatty acid naturally found in palm and coconut oil, and in the milk of humans and bovines (cows). Caprylic acid is classified as a medium-chain fatty acid and chemically known as octanoic acid. The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has approved caprylic acid with generally recognizable as safe (GRAS) status. It is used as parenteral nutrition in patients who require nutrition supplementation, as well as in some drugs, foods, and cosmetics.
Nutritionists often recommend caprylic acid for use in treating candidiasis (yeast infection) and bacterial infections. However, there is insufficient clinical data available to support the used of caprylic acid for any claimed therapeutic uses.
DISCLAIMER: These uses have been tested in humans or animals. Safety and effectiveness have not always been proven. Some of these conditions are potentially serious, and should be evaluated by a qualified healthcare provider.Epilepsy (children): Some forms of epilepsy respond to diets that are high in fat and low in carbohydrates. Currently, the effects of caprylic acid alone to treat epilepsy in children are not well studied. Additional study is needed in this area.
Grade: C
WARNING: DISCLAIMER: The below uses are based on tradition, scientific theories, or limited research. They often have not been thoroughly tested in humans, and safety and effectiveness have not always been proven. Some of these conditions are potentially serious, and should be evaluated by a qualified healthcare provider. There may be other proposed uses that are not listed below.Antibacterial, antifungal, chylothorax, dialysis (hypoalbuminemia in maintenance hemodialysis), digestive disorders (dysbiosis), malabsorption (lipid), nutrition supplementation.
Side Effects and Warnings
The most common side effects associated with high fatty acid intake are nausea, bloating, constipation, vomiting, abdominal pain, and diarrhea. These side effects can range from mild to severe. Patients taking large amounts of triglycerides may also experience belching, heartburn, and indigestion. Otherwise, caprylic acid appears well tolerated at doses appropriate for nutritional supplementation. It is also possibly safe when used under the guidance of a physician for intractable seizures.Although not well studied in humans, caprylic acid may increase susceptibility to carbaryl exposure and decrease the body's ability to clear carbaryl, a highly toxic insecticide.
Hypocalcemia (low calcium blood level), drowsiness, lethargy, kidney stones, hypouricemia (low uric acid), acidosis, growth retardation and increased rate of infection has been reported in human studies using a ketogenic diet to treat epilepsy. The effects of caprylic acid alone are not well understood in this diet. Avoid in patients with kidney stones or a tendency of developing kidney stones. Use cautiously in infants, children, pregnant women, breastfeeding mothers, and those prone to get an upset stomach.
What is GPC? by Nutritional Center.
[extract]saccharomyces boulardii is actually a yeast. So it’s considered to be an anti-yeast yeast. It actually will attack candida. But, interestingly, is that it will also go after clostridia bacteria which we know is a bacterial issue that’s commonly found in kids on the Autism Spectrum who are quite susceptible to the toxins it produces. So, saccharomyces boulardii is something that can be used not only as a treatment probiotic for yeast, but it can also be a treatment probiotic for clostridia bacteria. Now, one thing about saccharomyces boulardii is because it is a yeast, you don’t want to take it at the same time as anti-fungal medications; whether that’s Nystatin, or Diflucan, or even along with natural remedies, things like grapefruit seed extract or oregano oil. It’s a good thing to separate it out usually by a couple hours would be best. So, if your child is actually on one of those remedies, at least in my experience, it’s good maybe just to take this particular probiotic near bed time
source from:http://www.autismrecoverytreatment.com/autism-treatment-%e2%80%93-probiotics-part-3/
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