Wednesday, 18 September 2013


備戰:Antibiotic & anti-fungal treatment

2011/12/23 10:45

媽媽從決定明天給你用antibiotics & anti-fungal.之前就好努力的收集有關資料.
用了vitamin C 跟MG有3個星期了吧.用Probiotic & Juicing也有好些時候了.你還是沒有辦法天天排便.如果開始了antibiotic & antifungal treatments, 怎麼能更有效的排出毒素呢?真的要好好考量,準備才行.

Supplement and Medicine Interaction with Enzymes
[extract]One possible interaction is that the enzymes may be breaking down the medication or other supplements more thoroughly, or enzymes may be healing the gut, so that the medication or supplement is now being absorbed more completely. This means that the person may now actually be taking in a slightly higher dose of the medicine or supplement than before; that is, their body is now metabolizing slightly more. If you are giving a particular medication or supplement, please be aware of any possible effects from the body responding to a slightly higher dose than before. A few parents have noted side-effects when starting enzymes, but they were side-effects from a medication or other supplement now being absorbed more thoroughly. For example, suppose a supplement had a side-effect of drowsiness. This is not a typical effect of enzymes. Decreasing the supplement or ending it usually resolves these effects.

There is one caution with time-released medications and the specific enzyme cellulase. Some time-released medicines or supplements use cellulose to slow down the digestion and release of the product. Not all do. Cellulose is virtually indigestible in humans since people do not produce that enzyme internally natually. If you take an enzyme product with cellulase (the enzyme that breaks down cellulose), the cellulase may break down the cellulose in the medication and mess up the time-release design.
Enzymes and Bacteria, Yeast, and Parasites

Taking Antibiotics

Take your antibiotic as directed. Typically, directed use involves taking the medication with food or milk. Food and milk help to prevent upset stomach that occurs when taking medicines on an empty stomach. If your doctor prescribes an antibiotic dose three times a day, you should plan your meals ahead of time. If you are taking your dose with meals, you don't want to have a five-hour difference between one mealtime and a two-hour difference between another one. Your body needs the dose at regular intervals.

Taking Probiotics

You should never take probiotics at the same time as antibiotics because the antibiotics will kill all microbes, including the healthy ones contained in your probiotic supplement. Take a probiotic supplement at least two to three hours after taking your prescribed antibiotic. This gives the antibiotic medication time to kill the microbes before you take the healthy microbes that you want to retain.

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2011.12.24 這一天終於到了.今天開始殺菌大作戰.
早餐前給你Augmentin,早餐後Fluconazole, Flagyl.大概15分鐘後給你Biofilm defense(嚴重!媽媽犯了錯誤,應該飯前用的), Inflathera.因為今天要出門買東西,出門前給你CoQ10,cod liver oil.午餐前給你digest spectrum.午睡醒後給你Vitamin C, pedia nutrients.因為在婆婆家待了些時候,回到家已經下午5點多才給你ther-biotic,晚餐前給你biofilm defense,digest spectrum晚餐後給你fluconazole, flagyl, Inflathera兩三個鐘後給你B6 complex & MG.然後ther-biotic, culturelle.
...媽媽先擬定怎麼給你餵食14個supplements & antibiotics, antifungal.
先給你Biofilm defense.早餐前給Augmentin,早餐後Fluconazole, Flagyl,Inflathera.之後給你pedia nutrients, vitamin C(半份量).早午餐之間給你B6 complex+MG (半份量)午餐前給你digest spectrum,午餐後CoQ10+cod liver oil.午睡前給你probiotic, therbiotic.午睡醒後給你vitamin C(半份量)晚餐前給你Biofilm defense, digest epectrum.數分鐘後augmentin.晚餐後給fluconazle, flagyl, inflathera.大概3個鐘後給你ther-biotic.睡覺前給你B6 complex +MG(另一半份量)
2011.12.25 給你Biofilm defense.早餐前給Augmentin,早餐後Fluconazole, Flagyl,Inflathera.早午餐之間給你B6 complex+MG (半份量).忘了給pedia nutrient+vitamin C.午餐前給你digest spectrum,午餐後pedia nutiriets+vitamin C(半份量), CoQ10+cod liver oil.午睡前忘了給你probiotic, therbiotic. 午睡醒後給你probiotic, ther-biotic,vitamin C(半份量).晚餐前給你Biofilm defense, digest epectrum.數分鐘後augmentin.晚餐後給fluconazole, flagyl, inflathera.大概3個鐘後給你ther-biotic.睡覺前給你B6 complex +MG(另一半份量)
2011.12.26 給你Biofilm defense.早餐前給Augmentin,早餐後Fluconazole, Flagyl,Inflathera.早午餐之間給你pedia nutrient+vitamin C(半份量),B6 complex+MG (半份量)午餐前給你digest spectrum,午餐後 CoQ10+cod liver oil.午睡前給你probiotic, therbiotic.午睡醒後vitamin C(半份量)媽媽忘了給. 晚餐前給你Biofilm defense, digest epectrum.數分鐘後augmentin.晚餐後給fluconazole, flagyl, inflathera.大概3個鐘後給你ther-biotic.睡覺前給你B6 complex +MG(另一半份量)
2011.12.27 給你Biofilm defense.早餐前給Augmentin,早餐後Fluconazole+Flagyl, inflathera.早午餐間給你B6 complex+MG(半份量)今早你早醒,有睡意了,不給vitamin C,免得你睡不著.一睡就3個鐘,睡醒已經是中午2點了,所以給probiotic, ther-biotic.半個鐘後給你午飯,然後pedia nutrient+vitamin C(昨天的半份量).之後給你CQ10+cod liver oil.晚餐前就給Biofilm defense, digest spectrum, augmentin.晚餐後fluconazole, flagyl, inflathera.大概3 個鐘後給你ther-biotic, B6 complex+MG(半份量)
2011.12.28 今早你睡遲了.給你Biofilm defense.早餐前給Augmentin,早餐後Fluconazole+Flagyl, inflathera.早午餐間給你pedia nutrients+vitamin C(半份量)午餐前給digest spectrum午餐後coQ10+cod liver oil,午睡前給B6 complex+MG(半份量),probiotic, ther-biotic.午睡醒後vitamin C(半份量)..晚餐前就給Biofilm defense, digest spectrum, augmentin.晚餐後fluconazole, flagyl, inflathera.大概3 個鐘後給你ther-biotic, B6 complex+MG(半份量)
2011.01.06最後一天, "Bye Bye medicine!"
早餐前Biofilm defense, digest spectrum, augmentin.早餐後fluconazole+flagyl, inflathera.之後給你vitamin C(半份量)加apple+pear+cilantro+celery juice. 午餐前digest spectrum,午餐後cod liver oil.過一些時候給你B6 complex+MG(半份量), culturelle probiotic, ther-biotic, vitamin C(另一半份量) with apple+pear+dill+celery juice.在外用餐,只能回家後給你augmentin,fluconazole, flagyl, inflathera. 睡覺前給你 B6 complex+MG(另一半份量), 還有ther-biotic with juice.
Other Reference:-
Yeast recovered from
Dysbiosis, Dr.Weyrich's Naturopathic Functional Medicine Notebook

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