Friday, 13 September 2013

備戰: Supplements大作戰 (Round I)

2011/12/01 22:41

這回的功課有難度.14種supplements and medicines( antibiotics, anti-fungal).媽媽又要開始網上搜索...找有關資料.真的很擔心,這麼多種的輔助品加抗生素,用時會否有衝突.真的要好好讀看有關 資料,多參考.

Supplement and Medicine interaction with Enzymes

2011.11.30 給你Culturelle probiotic, Vitamin C.

2011.12.01 給你Culturelle probiotic, Vitamin C, Vitamin B6 complex, Magnesium, Digest spectrum, cod liver oil.
Culturelle probiotic & digest spectrum還有cod liver oil (你最喜歡)你不抗拒乖乖喝了,不過晚餐前的digestive enzyme 你就不喝了只有用灌的.Vitamin C capsule你不喜歡,第1次給你剝開摻水喝,你用好久時間才喝完.今天,先給你MG也是剝開放茶匙.沒吃過,你就試吃了一口粉末就不吃了,也怪難吃的.給你配著cereal吃完.B6 complex的味道更恐怖,最後 B6 complex & Vitamin C就用sy針筒(syringe)邊餵著你喝邊給你配奇異果總算順利完成!看來明天要改改餵食維他命的方式.也許分開時段用會比較好吧!

2011.12.02 早餐前,probiotic.然後CLO午餐前digest spectrum你超不合作的.只能用灌的.吃完午餐又要灌B6 complex & MG 還有Vitamin C.晚餐前disgestive enzyme.唉~這樣餵食supplements還是不行.

2011.12.03 今天要帶你外出,一早給你Probiotic.吃過早餐給你MG & B6 complex.配著米粉湯喝完. B6 complex可以接受一點點了.Vitamin C配著半顆奇異果吃.在外用午餐,給你digest spectrum配著午餐的小肉片嚼著吃.晚餐前也是.今天算是順利完成任務.不過漏了CLO

2011.12.04早餐前如常,喝Probiotic.早餐後就給B6 complex (1半的份量).早午餐之間給Vitamin C (加了Kiwi),午餐前給你digest spectrum.午餐後給你COL.午睡醒後,給你另外半份量的B6 complex(配香蕉).晚餐前給你digest spectrum.臨睡前給你MG.

2011.12.05 只給Digest spectrum.因為Hearing test 用藥怕會跟vitamins有interaction,所以停用一天.

2011.12.06早餐前用probiotic,早餐後就給B6 complex(1/2cap).然後CLO早午餐間給一些些vitamin C(加在juice),午餐前再給Digest spectrum,午餐後給B6 complex(1/2 cap).晚餐前給digest spectrum,晚餐後給你MG. 

2011.12.07 給你Culturelle probiotic, Vitamin C, B6 complex, Magnesium, Digest spectrum, CoQ10.

早餐前一樣用probiotic,早餐後給B6 complex 一半的份量,今早給你加CoQ10.也給你一半份量的juice加Vitamin C.之後爸爸媽媽出門去參加你祖爺爺的葬禮.外婆給你午餐前的Digest spectrum,午餐後忘了給你CLO.下午爸爸媽媽回來,給你另一半的Vitamin C加Juice.還有B6 complex配pear.在外用晚餐給你Digest spectrum,飯後回家給你MG.

2011.12.08 給你Culturelle probiotic, Vitamin C, B6 complex, Magnesium, Digest spectrum, Cod liver oil, CoQ10, Pedia nutrients.

早餐前用probiotic,早餐後pedia nutrients,CoQ10.早午餐間給你Juice加Vitamin C,午飯裡加Digest spectrum,午飯後B6 complex,CLO.午睡醒後,給你Juice加另一半份量的Vitamin C.晚餐前給你digest spectrum,晚餐後給你另一半份量的 B6 complex+ MG.

2011.12.12  早餐前用probiotic,早餐後Pedia nutrients,B6 complex+MG各一半的份量,早午餐間CoQ10配餅乾,Vitamin C (一部分)加菜湯,午餐前digest spectrum,午餐後CLO.
午睡後上ST.在外用晚餐.突然你發燒了.停用digest spectrum,B6 complex+MG.(另外一半的份量)只給你Vitamin C(剩餘的)+juice.

2011.12.13 今早你退燒了.早餐前給你probiotic,吃了粥給你CoQ10,CLO, 早午餐間B6 complex+MG(配著香蕉), 午睡醒後,給你Vitamin C+Juice.晚餐前給你digest spectrum.

2011.12.14早餐前用probiotic,早餐後pedia nutrients, vitamin C(一半的份量),早午餐間CoQ10+Cod liver oil然後B6 complex+MG(一半的份量)午餐前給你digest spectrum.午睡後給你vitamin C加juice或水果.一小時後給你B6 complex+MG(另一半的份量)晚餐前給你digest spectrum.

2011.12.15早餐前用probiotic,早餐後pedia nutrients, vitamin C(一半的份量),早午餐間CoQ10+Cod liver oil一小時後B6 complex+MG(一半的份量)午餐前給你digest spectrum.午睡後給你vitamin C加juice或水果.晚餐前給你digest spectrum,晚餐後一兩個鐘後給你B6 complex+MG(另一半的份量)

2011.12.19 vitamin C dosage cut half as stool looked soften and fluffy.

2012.01.08  早餐前給你Biofilm,Digest spectrum.早餐後pedia nutrient,Inflathera.之後給你B6 complex+MG(各半顆).午飯前你就睡著了.睡醒後給你digest spectrum才用午飯.今天的下午茶,給你vitamin C (with beet root+carrot+celery+grape juice),probiotic, ther-biotic.晚餐前給你biofilm, digest spectrum.晚餐後inflathera.臨睡前給你B6 complex+MG.(另一半的份量).睡著了,所以沒有用ther-biotic.
糊塗媽媽這兩天都忘了給你cod liver oil和pedia nutrient.coQ10則用完了.等著從SG clinic郵寄過來.

2012.01.09 早餐前給你Biofilm, digest spectrum.早餐後pedia nutrint, inflathera.今早忘了給你 B6 complex+MG.午飯前給你digest spectrum.午飯後給你cod liver oil.午睡醒後probiotic, ther-biotic(with juice).一個鐘後給你vitamin C, B6 compex+MG(各半顆).晚飯前給你Biofilm.晚飯後inflathera.臨睡前給你B6 complex+MG, ther-biotic.

2012.01.10 早餐前給你Biofilm, digest spectrum.早餐後pedia nutrient, inflathera.之後給你cod liver oil, vitamin C(半顆).你睡著了.午飯前給你digest spectrum.之後B6 complex+MG(半份), 一個鐘後probiotic, ther-biotic(with juice).再一個鐘後給你vitamin C.晚飯前給你Biofilm.晚飯後inflathera.臨睡前給你B6 complex+MG, ther-biotic.

2012.01.12早餐前給你Biofilm,digest spectrum.早餐後pedia nutrient, inflathera.之後給你vitamin C(半顆),B6 complex+MG(各半顆).午飯前digest spectrum.午飯後cod liver oil+CoQ10.午睡醒後probiotic,ther-biotic.vitamin C.晚餐前Biofilm,晚餐後inflathera.臨睡前B6 complex+MG.
2012.01.13早餐前給你Biofilm(x2),1個鐘後culturelle probiotic, ther-biotic (x2), 吃完早餐,pedia nutrient, vitamin C, inflathera, CoQ10+cod liver oil. 中午要回外婆家.午餐前Digest spectrum,午餐後,B6 complex+MG(各半顆).午睡醒後ther-biotic(x2),之後上OT.晚餐前Biofilm,digest spectrum.晚餐後inflathera, vitamin C, B6 complex+MG.
...onward: Biofilmx2, ther-biotic Complete (alternative day-double dose)

2012.01.16 早餐前給你Biofilm(x2),之後culturelle probiotic, ther-biotic (x2), 吃完早餐,pedia nutrient, vitamin C, inflathera, CoQ10+cod liver oil. 午餐前Digest spectrum,午餐後,B6 complex+MG(各半顆).今天沒怎麼睡午覺,下午茶時間給你蘋果,vitamin C, 晚餐前Biofilm,digest spectrum.晚餐後去shopping.晚上10點多才給你inflathera, B6 complex+MG.

2012.01.19 Interfase Plus
早餐前給culturelle probiotic, ther-biotic(x2),digest spectrum.早餐後pedia nutrient, vitamin c(半顆),inflathera, CoQ10+cod liver oil.午餐前digest spectrum.午餐後你睡午覺.睡醒interfase plus, ther-biotic(x2).vitamin C(半顆)晚飯前digest spectrum,晚飯後inflathera.B6 +MG-full dose (早上忘了給).

2012.01.22 Inflathera 的最後一天

2012.02.14 這幾天開始給你直接吞整顆capsule.剝開后的probiotic幾乎有些失效,而且pedia nutrient裡的iron/zinc把你白白的牙齒染黑了.
你一睡醒,就給你Interfase plus.之後給你culturelle, ther-biotic(with juice).吃過早餐,就給你vitamin C(half dose) & pedia nutrients.過後就CoQ10, cod liver oil.過些時候給你B6 complex+MG(各一半)午餐前給你digest spectrum.午睡醒後給你vitamin C.晚餐前,digest spectrum.晚餐後過些時候給你B6 complex, MG(剩餘的另一半)

When to take Vitamins and with What Foods?
Vitamins to Take in the Morning or Mid-Afternoon
  • If you need your vitamins to get through the day, take them at breakfast as long as you are not consuming caffeine. Vitamins A, K, E, D and B-vitamins are best to take during the day. If you need even more energy for daily life, take iron during the day as well. Spirulina is a super food that contains several vitamins and amino acids. It is a blue-green sea vegetable that can be condensed into pill or powder form and can be taken during the day.
Vitamins to Take at Night
  • If you are taking vitamins for better sleep, take them right before bed. Vitamins that would fit into this category are melatonin and potassium. Other vitamins that you are taking for strong bones or immune system can be taken at night if they are not needed for energy. Vitamin C and calcium fit into this category, but these vitamins can also be taken during the day.
Fruits and Vegetables
  • Vitamins work best when they are taken with whole foods such as fruits and vegetables. Taking vitamins with food increases their absorption rate. You will also get a good dose of vitamins directly from these foods.
Read more: When to Take Vitamins & With What Food? |
(NaturalNews) The body performs different functions at different times of the day. Many people suggest adding food supplements at varied times of the day to accommodate for the digestion and assimilation of these nutrients.

At night, many suggest taking calcium. This is because calcium is utilized at night, and also because calcium can help you get to sleep when taken at bed time. Remember the adage of a glass of milk before bed? Calcium absorption is the reason this makes sense. Magnesium is needed to work hand-in-hand with calcium. Many people take magnesium along with calcium, in the same supplements, at bedtime, although some suggest that magnesium is best absorbed in the day time. If the calcium supplement contains magnesium, taking both at the same time is appropriate.

Many vitamins are best ingested with food, so taking them at meal time is advised. It's easy to remember to take vitamins with meals, since you are eating and drinking at that time, anyway.

Fat-soluble vitamins need fat in order to be absorbed, so they should always be taken with meals that contain fat. Fat-soluble vitamins include vitamins A, vitamin D, vitamin E and vitamin K.
Vitamin C lasts only a few hours in the bloodstream. It should be repeated every three hours for best results, or the entire dose should be divided up to take a third with each meal.
Fiber is best ingested in the morning upon rising. That way it will do its work in the colon without being impeded by food. Fiber can cause vitamins to not absorb, as it can act as a coating to the intestines, so it is best to not take vitamins before fiber. Iron is especially not absorbed well with fiber.

Probiotics are taken with meals and sometimes before a meal, usually about 20 minutes. Digestive enzymes are taken with meals as well, for best effect.
Stimulating vitamins, such as vitamin C, should not be taken before bedtime, as it can keep a person awake. Some even suggest that citrus juice and vitamin C cause nightmares, but this is unconfirmed.

If you are taking many nutritional supplements you might want to organize them in a pillbox that provides a separate box for each time of the day. A few minutes preparation can ensure that you take the recommended doses and that you remember to get all your doses in, in a timely manner. Setting the box near your dining area will remind you to take the vitamins when you eat. Even if you don't take vitamins at the "appropriate" time, adding nutrients to your diet will build health at any time of the day.

Learn more:
Can I take different vitamin capsules at the same time?
Taking different vitamin capsules at the same time is usually fine. There are a few exceptions which can help you decide what you should take together, what foods will help best absorb vitamins, and when you should avoid taking different vitamin capsules together. Essentially only a few vitamins and minerals inhibit absorption of each other.
Iron, technically a mineral and not a vitamin is usually best not taken with other vitamin capsules, or at least with any supplements that may contain calcium. It’s a good idea to take iron with vitamin C, which can actually help you better absorb iron. So it's fine to take different vitamin capsules together if one is iron and the other does not contain calcium. It can also help to take iron with foods that contain lactic acid, or foods that contain citric acid, like orange juice. Don’t take your iron with milk, but you can, ironically, take it with yogurt.
It also can be important to take certain different vitamin capsules with foods that will best absorb them. For instance, vitamins D, A, and E are all fat soluble, and best taken with a meal that contains fat. If you’re using milk as your fat source, you’ll again want to avoid taking an iron supplement at the same time.
How to take magnesium (MedHelp: Magnesuim supplement-to avoid, how to take it and-safety)
Take your first dose of magnesium when you wake up in the morning and the last dose at bedtime. Magnesium is most deficient in the early morning and late afternoon. Most people find magnesium as good as a sleepin pill to help them get a good night’s rest. Magnesium can be taken with or without meals, but it is preferable to take it between meals for better absorption. Magnesium requires stomach acid to be absorbed. After a full meal, your stomach acid is busy digesting food and may not be avaialable to helpl absorb magnesium. Also magnesium is an alkaline mineral and acts like an antiacid: taken with meals, it may neutralize stomach acid and impair digestion. If you develop loose stools while taking magnesium, it does not necessarily mean you are absorbing enough and losing the rest; it may mean you are taking to much at one time. NEVER TAKE YOUR DAILY MAGNESIUM ALL AT ONCE. Spread it out throughthe day; four times a day is best if you have been experiencing diarrhea. If that does not do the trick, you probably need to cut back the amount you are taking or switch to another type or brand of magnesium.

If you are taking a multivitamin-mineral supplement, remember to check the amount of elemental magnesium on the label and count it in your daily total.

other reference:
What's the RIGHT Magnesium Dosage for Optimal Health?

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