今早媽媽才開始讀看Juicing Lessons
Detoxification for Children with Autism by Dr. Natasha Campbell-McBride
JUICING. Thousands of people all over the world freed themselves from
the most deadly diseases with juicing, dozens of books have been
published on this subject full of testimonies and hundreds of wonderful
recipes. Some very big names in natural medicine strongly
advocated juicing and used it actively in treatment of their patients –
people like Dr. Gerson and Dr. Norman Walker for example. Hundreds of
scientific studies have been published on health benefits of fresh raw
fruit and vegetables. Juices provide all the goodness from these fruit
and vegetables in a concentrated form and in large amounts. For example
to make a glass of carrot juice you need a pound of carrots. Nobody can
eat a pound of carrots at once, but you can get all the nutrition from
them by drinking the juice. On top of that juicing removes the fibre,
which impairs absorption of many nutrients in fruit and vegetables. The
digestive system has virtually no work to do in digesting juices, they
get absorbed in 20-25 minutes, providing the body with a concentrated
amount of vitamins, minerals, very valuable phytonutrients, enzymes in a
natural form which the body can recognise and utilise efficiently. With
juicing you can consume kilograms of fresh vegetables and fruit every
day in the most digestible and pleasant form. A lot of autistic children
would not eat fresh vegetables and fruit due to their texture. Drinking
juices can solve this problem very efficiently. A lot of autistic
children would not drink enough liquids either. Juices, being so tasty,
can provide a good solution to this problem too. Drinking at least 2
cups of freshly extracted juice will provide your child with all the
essential vitamins, magnesium, selenium, zinc and other minerals,
amino-acids and lots more nutrients, which autistic children are
deficient in.
A combination of pineapple, carrot and a little bit of beetroot
in the morning will prepare your child’s digestive system for the
coming meals, stimulate stomach acid production and pancreatic enzymes
production. A mixture of carrot, apple, celery and beetroot has a wonderful liver cleansing ability. Green juices from leafy vegetables (spinach, lettuce, parsley, dill, carrot and beet tops) with some tomato and lemon are a great source of magnesium and iron and good chelators of heavy metals. Cabbage, apple and celery juice
stimulates digestive enzymes production and is a great kidney cleanser.
There is an endless number of healthy and tasty variations you can make
from whatever fruit and vegetables you have available at home .
[extrat]GAPS Introduction Diet
If you have a juicer your patient can start the day with a glass of freshly pressed fruit/vegetable juice diluted with water.A
good juice to start the day is 40% apple + 50% carrot + 10% beetroot
(all raw of course). You can make all sorts of juice mixes, but
generally try to have 50% of therapeutic ingredients: carrot, small
amount of beetroot (no more than 5-10% of juice mixture), celery,
cabbage, lettuce, greens (spinach, parsley, dill, basil, fresh nettle
leaves, beet tops, carrot tops), white and red cabbage, and 50% of some
tasty ingredients to disguise the taste of therapeutic ingredients:
pineapple, apple, orange, grapefruit, grapes, mango, etc. Your patient
can have these juices as they are, with some yogurt or diluted with
Every day our bodies go through a 24 hour cycle of activity and rest, feeding and cleaning up (detoxifying).
From about 4 am til about 10 am the body is in the cleaning up or
detoxification mode. Drinking water and freshly pressed juices will
assist in this process. Loading the body with food at that time
interferes with the detoxification. That is why many of us do not feel
hungry first thing in the morning. It is better to have breakfast
around 10 am when your body has completed the detox stage and is ready
for feeding. At that stage we usually start feeling hungry. Children may be ready for their breakfast earlier than adults.
媽媽目前用著的juice recipe:-
->Cabbage+Green lettuce+Grape juice
->Celery+Lettuce+Pineapple juice
->Beet root+Celery+Carrot+Grape (or apple/pineapple) juice
->Apple+Carrot+Coriander or Dill
->3/4 apple+celery+coriander
->3/4 pear+celery+Cabbage or Lettuce
->1/4 apple+3/4pear+coriander(cilantro)
->1/2 apple+1 pear+celery
Juicing for constipation:-
->Prune juice
->1 apple+3 pear
->3 tomatoes+1 cup brocolli head+2 cup spinach
剛過去的周五跟Teacher Sarah聊起juicing.Teacher Sarah說後天給媽媽帶juice recipes.感恩!
Juices to Cleanse Your Body of Toxic heavy Metals from Juicer Recipes Now
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