Wednesday, 18 September 2013



2011/12/12 22:40

還是因為bacterial or yeast Die-off reactions?
今天整天還是好好的,剛才下午才帶你去LGL上語言治療.時隔半年,爸爸媽媽才帶你回去LGL,見Ms Hoong上ST.這兩天媽媽還把你的小桌子椅子搬到客廳,讓你多做table tasks.儘量做到適應Ms.Hoong的ST手法.今天的表現還好,雖然是坐不靜,但沒有哭鬧.爸爸媽媽也沒有刻意隨治療師之意,硬要把你堵在牆角.
之後到shopping mall用晚餐.你在上ST時吃完一小個tupperware的餅.自備的晚飯你還可以吃,只是沒有平常的胃口那麼好,不過你還是把飯給吃完.媽媽有發現到,你也有點累.摸摸額頭.啊!熱熱的.你,又發燒了.
爸爸媽媽到書局給你添木質拼圖,還有畫板.然後到CS買Orgran pantry mix flour,Hubbards corn flake.過後就回家了.在車上就跟爸爸商討該不該繼續給你supplements.
回家後,媽媽給你全身溫水擦拭,給你今天吃剩的Vitamin C 加vege juice.讓你睡覺多點休息.
正在想著可不可以剩下的B6 complex, MG.(一半的份量),就上網找找看有關資料. to do for a Fever?
What should you do for a fever?  The old joke is, "Nothing.  What has it done for me?
Actually, a fever probably has done a lot for you. Your body successfully fights many illnesses by creating a fever. Remember, your body made that fever, and there is probably a benefit. Robert Mendelssohn, M.D. routinely told patients to throw away their thermometers. Ancient medical wisdom says, "Give me a fever and I can cure anything." Years ago, at Park Ridge Hospital in Rochester , New York , I picked up a what-to-do-for-fever booklet. It said that the hospital does not even treat a fever until it is over 102 degrees, and then only for the comfort of the patient.
So what do you do for a fever? Well, first do nothing at all. If it runs its course in a day or two, let it be.

If a fever is very high for very long, though, there is genuine cause for concern and for action. Many days of a fever in excess of 104 degrees might result in heat seizures, kidney failure or a variety of other complications. Fevers are not the trouble; they are the indicator of trouble. We need to deal with the cause of the fever and the fever will take care of itself. When I walk indoors shivering on a winter's day, I do not want muscle relaxants or pain killers. I want warmth. Get me warm, and my teeth will stop chattering on their own. It is good to know WHY the body has a fever.
In our house, we will accept a daytime fever up to 103.5 degrees without medication. We like to see it under 102 at night. This mostly comes from our worrisome nature as parents. When our kids were very little, we slept a lot better knowing the fever was down before bedtime. To reliably lower the fever, we used vitamin C and plenty of it.

The biggest plus for vitamin C is that it is remarkably safe. Another advantage of high-dose vitamin C therapy is that, while it is an excellent antipyretic, vitamin C acts as a natural antibiotic and also strengthens the immune system. Vitamin C lowers a fever by eliminating its cause. The vitamin must be given very frequently and in sufficient quantity to get results. When sick, I think one should take vitamin C as often as humanly possible, even every ten minutes if necessary.  Bowel tolerance and/or cessation of symptoms indicates sufficient quantity

Bed rest and liquids have always been and still are very helpful. Instead of water or worthless sugar "juice drinks," I suggest you use freshly made vegetable juices. Carrot juice in particular is fairly tasty and loaded with carotenes. Many fevers are accompanied by infection. Infection rapidly depletes the liver of its vitamin A reserves. Carotene is the cheapest and safest way to take in large amounts of provitamin A, which the body will convert into retinol on demand. Deficiency and toxicity are therefore both avoided.

Of course a sick body needs sleep. A niacin supplement will shorten the time it takes to fall asleep and actually act as a natural sedative. No more niacin should be taken at a time than causes a slight warm feeling, or "flush."


2011/12/13 17:48

你退燒了.媽媽給你煲粥,把粥煮的比平時稀(多水).少吃多餐,把平時的份量分半.今天你睡午覺,媽媽也給你盡情的睡,睡了3個鐘頭多.午覺睡醒後,你喊肚子餓.媽媽也不知道該給你什麼吃的,你要吃蘋果就削了小蘋果切小塊,加了vege juice.
不喜歡嗎?!因為你看到媽媽還加了vitamin C capsule.媽媽再加幾顆quinoa cereal.你把cereal 吃完,把菜汁喝完,最後才把蘋果吃完.

Foods to eat after a high fever [extract]
Food Types
After a fever, focus on all of the main food groups including dairy, protein and grains but pay special attention to adding plenty of foods from the vegetable and fruit groups. Vegetables can help add fiber to your diet. Vegetables are important after a fever because not only are they good sources of vitamin A and C, but they also help with bowel function. If diarrhea was present, vegetables such as hubbard squash, kale and green peas may be help restore a healthy bowel movement. Vegetables are good sources of potassium — something that can easily be lost during a fever. Potassium helps keep your muscle and nerve functions working properly. Good sources of potassium are potatoes, tomatoes and avocados. Fruits including are excellent sources of vitamin C. Vitamin C helps to repair the effects of a high fever or illness by aiding your body’s natural immune system.
Broth-based or liquid foods provide the nutrients of both fruits and vegetables while adding more fluids to your system. After a fever, if you are still weak but gaining strength slowly, you could be dehydrated. Broth-based foods such as soups, pureed sauces and smoothies can provide an easy way to get a nutrient-packed meal while aiding in your recovery. For smoothies, choose low-fat milk or juice that is low in sugar content. Add fresh fruits including strawberries, bananas, kiwi, mangoes and blueberries. Beef or chicken broth are good protein choices and the added sodium content can help balance electrolytes.
Avoid sugary foods and drinks during and shortly after a fever — this can stall the healing process and increase the risk for dehydration. If your fever lasts more than three days or you are experiencing other symptoms such as confusion, hallucinations, rapid heart rate, infrequent urination or vomiting, seek medical attention at once.

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