便秘!!!這一趟去SG, 媽媽把過往你便便的紀錄整理好,給Dr. Erwin做參考.一個月平均不到15 次或更少的便便次數.天啊~多麼可怕的數字.問診時段,我們跟醫生研究你便秘的問題.除了便便的次數,媽媽注意到你便便的大小、便便的情況,如實跟醫生報告.
噢~這次終算有個頭緒了,colon gets bigger.宿便沒有排出而把結腸撐寬了.這從排出便便的大小就可以知道.沒錯,你排出的便便,帶頭的第一條便便很大條.而且你要費很大的力氣把便便排出.便秘啦!
好,解決方案.之前用的aloe,fibre,vitamin C都沒有效.這次醫生就開了colon rx.清結腸.醫生說vitamin C可以再doule dose,up to 6 capsules.媽媽還是給2 capsules.看來明天開始要追加1-2capsules了.原本以為周三下午給了colon RX,晚上你會排便.周四沒有便便,周四晚上個給你colon RX,周五早上你才排便.昨晚給了colon RX,今早你卻還不能排便,今午也沒有,今晚也沒有
正再考慮是否要追加colon RX. 今午給了1 capsule,醫生讓我們給你2 capsules.不過目前只給你試著1 capsule.最後爸爸媽媽還是決定等明天如果再不能排便,再添吧!今晚試用flaxseed oil.
"We are seeing a DAN! doctor. My son is not technically autistic, but he has some quirks and has responded very well to the "autism diet," so we're trying to see what other things are available to help us. Anyway, when things got very bad constipation-wise for Tom, I called our DAN! doc. He had us use magnesium citrate (for Tom, it was 6 oz because he was 6 years old. For your son, maybe 4 oz because he's 4?). You also give the same amount of water. Once it's all gone, you wait 1/2 hour and then give an enema. Mag citrate brings liquid to the colon and it will help dissolve the stool in there. Then, the enema comes from the other end to encourage everything to flush out. We were told to repeat this as many times as needed until all we got was liquid stool. That first time, we did it 4 times until things were "clear." (We actually got liquid stool the first time, but I knew he was still backed up, so I repeated it until the blockage came out and everything was clear after that.)
Once you get him clear, you need to track things. Do not let him get backed up so much. Part of what happens is that it hurts to go, they try to avoid it, the colon gets bigger and bigger, because the colon is bigger they don't feel the urge as often, it hurts to go... a bad cycle. Anyway, we were told to repeat the mag citrate / enema at the first sign of trouble. Don't wait for it to get bad. It takes time for the colon to shrink to a more normal size.
A few other things...
*We found that some of the artificial sweeteners (manitol, sorbitol) that were in some of his supplements contributed to the constipation.
*Fruit (and fruit juice) does not help Tom's constipation. While it does seem to soften the stool, it also feeds the yeast in his intestinal tract, and the yeast make it harder to push the stool out. Tom seems to do better the less fruit he consumes.
Last, I'm not sure what kind of diet you're feeding him, but dairy is known to be constipating. We've gone pretty Paleo (caveman) in our diet, and Tom is doing much better, in more ways than poop."
Other References:-
Treating Autism- Intervention-Constipation
Ask Lisa, Free Pediatric Advice: Fecal Impaction
Child Constipation: Children get constipated too! source from: Colon Cleansing & Constipation Resource Center
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