Thursday, 19 September 2013


Visit to Mr.Alex's clinic

2012/01/08 00:40

繼上回見Mr. Alex是兩個月前.今次就大略跟他說說你的進展.有好的,也有壞的.好的是你沒有那麼hyper,eye contact 比較好,互動比較好,對玩具比較有興趣了,主意力比較好,有babbling,很多的音.也會念模糊的alphabets,...(心想:不知道是 placebo還是用supplements真的有效.)壞的事是早前的meltdown(brushing problem),用chloral hydrate,antibiotic,anti-fungal時的過動行為,脾氣問題,..(尤其殺菌期間)
Mr.Alex之後讓你進來看看你,發覺你比較穩定了.是的,babbling多了.最後還跟Mr.Alex 講"bye~"and good bye kiss.(滿準確的音,媽媽沒聽錯吧!)
(有偷偷跟Mr.Alex討論本地的DAN Doctors- 事由:周五晚V's mom從KL回來跟媽媽大吐苦水.唉~~對V's mom的心情,媽媽很了解,因為媽媽以前經歷過.媽媽能給V''s mom的昰安慰與加油!)
話說回來,這次Mr. Alex給媽媽爸爸的建議:
->visual tracking games,improve attention. Take torch light (covered with picture cutting,interesting picture shape to catch ur attention) all over the room in the dark, ask you to catch the shadow -family game
found one website about eye tracking exercise for children:
->listening to mozart music, jazz music, and etc, to desensitize your hearing from the sound sensitivity
->adding dragon fruits, green apples to juices as fruit variety and they are good to detox.
->using towel to rub your skin, instead of brush but using surgical brush to brush sole(of  foot), let you barefoot walk on grass and sand beach.
->encourage more in blowing (oral motor exercise), improve oral muscle-help in speech. emphasize in ST. OT is optional.
(since mama is going to take some ideas from GD, Shichida, .. and other sensory integration related books, and mama is practicing montesorri,.. bla bla bla in real life activities.yes,mama is asking your help in some easy housework )
->using gas tank roller covered with wooden piece (DIY) as spinner, let you sit and play.

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