檢查功課: Developmental milestone (1)
媽媽對自己以前做媽媽的態度感到抱歉,原來媽媽沒認真的去認識你,沒有認真的看看你.所以媽媽要追回過去失去的機會,也要追上以後的.媽媽在你的成 長路上有忽略了你,媽媽在你的起跑點沒認真的看你.所以媽媽現在就要找回你在成長路上起跑後,為甚麼有1天你就這麼被拋在後頭.到底是什麼問題?爸爸媽媽 還在找尋這答案.
CDC guides
Important milestones at one year, 1歲的檢閱表
Social and Emotional
- Is shy or nervous with strangers
- Cries when mom or dad leaves
- Has favorite things and people
- Shows fear in some situations
- Hands you a book when he wants to hear a story
- Repeats sounds or actions to get attention
- Puts out arm or leg to help with dressing
- Plays games such as “peek-a-boo” and “pat-a-cake”
啊~給媽媽拿書,要媽媽讀嗎?難囉!書到你手中就是霸著自個兒看.最近媽媽念著你最愛的alphabet教你用食指指alphabet,你拿著書給 媽媽念.會拿袋袋給媽媽幫你拉開拉鍊,都會拿吃的袋子給媽媽開,最近更會出聲"boa boa" (原意:more?)拿著吃空的飯碗,跟爸爸媽媽討飯吃.
- Responds to simple spoken requests
- Uses simple gestures, like shaking head “no” or waving “bye-bye”
- Makes sounds with changes in tone (sounds more like speech)
- Says “mama” and “dada” and exclamations like “uh-oh!”
- Tries to say words you say
這幾個月好不容易,你又開始從"baba"開始發出聲,變化至"yiyi yaya","shh shh"(babbling),"m"的聲音只有哭時才有.媽媽好想學些捏唇的技巧,讓你多發不同的音.
哈~搖頭"不要".以前看你猛搖頭.(sensory seeking behaviour),不是"不要"啦.揮手,有時好像會,有時又不見得會.不過你會Goodbye kiss了.
Cognitive (learning, thinking, problem-solving)
- Explores things in different ways, like shaking, banging, throwing
- Finds hidden things easily
- Looks at the right picture or thing when it’s named
- Copies gestures
- Starts to use things correctly; for example, drinks from a cup, brushes hair
- Bangs two things together
- Puts things in a container, takes things out of a container
- Lets things go without help
- Pokes with index (pointer) finger
- Follows simple directions like “pick up the toy”
Movement/Physical Development
- Gets to a sitting position without help
- Pulls up to stand, walks holding on to furniture (“cruising”)
- May take a few steps without holding on
- May stand alone
Milestone chart: 7-12months
source from babycenter.com
Child's Age | Mastered Skills (most kids can do) |
Emerging Skills (half of kids can do) |
Advanced Skills (a few kids can do) |
7 months | Sits without support Drags objects toward herself |
Lunges forward or starts crawling Jabbers or combines syllables Starts to experience stranger anxiety |
Waves goodbye Stands while holding onto something Bangs objects together Begins to understand object permanence |
8 months | Says "mama" or "dada" to parents (isn't specific) Passes objects from hand to hand |
Stands while holding onto something Crawls Points at objects Searches for hidden objects |
Pulls self to standing, cruises Picks things up with thumb-finger pincer grasp Indicates wants with gestures |
9 months | Stands while holding onto something Jabbers or combines syllables Understands object permanence |
Cruises while holding onto furniture Drinks from a sippy cup Eats with fingers Bangs objects together |
Plays patty-cake and peek-a-boo Says "mama" or "dada" to the correct parent |
10 months | Waves goodbye Picks things up with pincer grasp Crawls well, with belly off the ground |
Says "mama" or "dada" to the correct parent Indicates wants with gestures |
Stands alone for a couple of seconds Puts objects into a container |
11 months | Says "mama" or "dada" to the correct parent Plays patty-cake and peek-a-boo Stands alone for a couple of seconds Cruises |
Understands "no" and simple instructions Puts objects into a container |
Says one word besides "mama" or "dada" Stoops from standing position |
12 months | Imitates others' activities Indicates wants with gestures |
Takes a few steps Says one word besides "mama" or "dada" |
Walks alone Scribbles with a crayon Says two words besides "mama" or "dada" |
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