Friday 15 January 2016






“I want lunch"
"I want juice"
"I want ....."

當然媽媽知道寫字基礎都沒打好。可是讓你乖乖坐著握筆寫字母。你會依嗎?雖然以前有段時間爸爸媽媽努力讓你寫寫簡單的英文字母有"o" "l" "i" "w" "a"  ... 不過停寫好一段時候了。你討厭。打字就很厲害。那個每天跟媽媽討吃的"script"用得好好。


話語還是沒有,咬字不清不楚(apraxia of speech?? 還沒有遇着有關專業治療師給予答案,不過媽媽大概想也是)媽媽應該怎麽做?上網看著學卻不是這麽看看就學的來,然後媽媽用了自己的方法。媽媽聽到了你叫“媽媽”。六年,等了六年。
What are some signs or symptoms of childhood apraxia of speech?
Not all children with CAS are the same. All of the signs and symptoms listed below may not be present in every child. It is important to have your child evaluated by a speech-language pathologist (SLP) who has knowledge of CAS to rule out other causes of speech problems. General things to look for include the following:

A Very Young Child
  • Does not coo or babble as an infant
  • First words are late, and they may be missing sounds
  • Only a few different consonant and vowel sounds
  • Problems combining sounds; may show long pauses between sounds
  • Simplifies words by replacing difficult sounds with easier ones or by deleting difficult sounds (although all children do this, the child with apraxia of speech does so more often)
  • May have problems eating
An Older Child
  • Makes inconsistent sound errors that are not the result of immaturity
  • Can understand language much better than he or she can talk
  • Has difficulty imitating speech, but imitated speech is more clear than spontaneous speech
  • May appear to be groping when attempting to produce sounds or to coordinate the lips, tongue, and jaw for purposeful movement
  • Has more difficulty saying longer words or phrases clearly than shorter ones
  • Appears to have more difficulty when he or she is anxious
  • Is hard to understand, especially for an unfamiliar listener
  • Sounds choppy, monotonous, or stresses the wrong syllable or word
Potential Other Problems
  • Delayed language development
  • Other expressive language problems like word order confusions and word recall
  • Difficulties with fine motor movement/coordination
  • Over sensitive (hypersensitive) or under sensitive (hyposensitive) in their mouths (e.g., may not like toothbrushing or crunchy foods, may not be able to identify an object in their mouth through touch)
  • Children with CAS or other speech problems may have problems when learning to read, spell, and write

摘了一段關於childhood apraxia of speech的跡象跟狀況。參考:Childhood Apraxia of Speech, American Speech-Language-Hearing Association




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