Saturday 19 July 2014


最新的OAT報告,Fats & Proteins這一塊也有問題.那麼SCD也行不通囉!醫生讓爸爸媽媽添回一點點糙米,不過supplement list加了digestive enzymes ultra (◞‸◟ㆀ)




煮糙米要這麼做. ƪ(‾_‾)ʃ

  1. Soak brown rice in dechlorinated water for 24 hours at room temperature without changing the water. Reserve 10% of the soaking liquid (should keep for a long time in the fridge). Discard the rest of the soaking liquid; cook the rice in fresh water.
  2. The next time you make brown rice, use the same procedure as above, but add the soaking liquid you reserved from the last batch to the rest of the soaking water.
  3. Repeat the cycle. The process will gradually improve until 96% or more of the phytic acid is degraded at 24 hours.

source from: A New Way To Soak Brown Rice, Whole Health Source, by 

Living with Phytic Acid, Weston A Price by Ramiel Nagel

原來煮糙米這麼的不簡單.( ¬_¬)

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